Costa Verde
The highlight for us so far was the Bosa region. This is why we staid there longer as planned. Now we are on our way to what we hope to be the next highlight on this trip, Costa Verde. We continue on the coastal road south after stocking up again in Oristano. This is shorter but we have to pass a little bridge in Marceddi which is also known as the Notbrücke. This means it is temporary construction and in theory closed. In other words you are not allowed to drive over it. Having said that reality is slightly different. As we approach the one end we see a police car and a big sign indicating the end of the road and that you are not supposed to drive further. We are already concerned that we have to take the long way but decide to task the police officer. "No problem, you can pass.", is what he says. A few meters further down there are two other police cars. Not sure what they are doing here ...
On our way we pick up fresh cactus pears. Makes a good desert.
This is the Notbrücke which in theory is closed but luckily we can pass.
An abandoned mining village completely fallen into ruin.
The old parts reveal an interesting architecture.
The last couple of kilometers is a sandy path.
We made it and even the sun is starting to come out again.
Remains from the mining times.
Our spot for the next couple of days.
The beach here is very wide and just beautiful.
We are really close to the sea and enjoy another beautiful sun set.
10 - 10
The bridge is not very long but the scenery on the other side is changing immediately. While so far we drove through flat land here it immediately turns into a hilly scenery. The roads are much more narrow winding up into the mountains with many turns. In this area you can find a lot of old abandoned mines. On our way we pass through Montevecchio, an abandoned mining town. Shortly before Piscinas we even pass through another one that has completely fallen into ruin. The street overall is quite ok and most of it is even tar road. Only the last couple of kilometer before we arrive the coast at Costa Verde is a sandy path.
As we arrive there are a few other campers already. We read a lot about Costa Verde and if we are allowed to camp here directly on the car park behind the beach. Seems that at this moment in time nobody cares to much and so we pick a spot in the first row next to the VW LT of Sarah and Christian from Oldenburg in Germany. Over a welcome beer we start talking immediately. They also have just arrived and seem to be a very nice couple.
One of the best places to camp we had so far.
Cactus pears for breakfast. Beware of the thorns!
Karin doing the dishes after breakfast.
It's now really the end of the season.
Workers taking apart everything they built for the summer.
Carefully taking apart even the sunshade.
Stowing away for the next years season.
It might be somewhat windy here from time to time.
The dunes are protected area.
Middle of October and the water is still quite warm.
Something especially Karin enjoys a lot.
Some old ruins from the times when the mine was still in operation.
Now home to many different plants.
The beach here is endless and very beautiful.
Perfect for a walk.
Picture of butterfly.
Time to relax.
The Lamzac from Fatboy is really cool.
This one belongs to Sarah and Christian but we need one as well!!!
The drinks are prepared the sun set can start.
Clouds are coming up again during the sunset and produce an interesting picture.
17 - 21
The next day turns out to be fantastic. A super sunny day with very little wind and no clouds. Just perfect for being at such a great beach. As we are up quite early today it is still a bit chilly for an outdoor breakfast. So we decide to go for an early walk. Unfortunately it is not allowed to get onto the dunes. They only exist here and the ecosystem around them is very fragile. As we are hungry and the sun has more power it's time for a breakfast at the beach.
Strengthened from the opulent breakfast including the cactus pears we decide to go for an extended beach walk. We come across more abandoned old houses, explore some of the plants growing close to the beach and just enjoy the fact that we can stay for more than one night in the same place. We completely forget the time and it's already early afternoon as we get back to our Bulli. Walking makes you very thirsty and so it's time for a first beer as well as a swim. The waves are much higher today and it is not so easy to get in or out again for that matter. We manage and it is really fun.
A little later we invite Sarah und Christian to a Cuba Libre. They return the invitation with a Gin Tonic and that's how the evening begins. After dinner we sit together and have a really nice evening with the two. We get along very well and keep chatting until early morning.
As we get up after a rather short night the sun shines but very dark clouds are approaching rather fast. After a quick breakfast we decide to pack up as there is no point to stay here with the thunderstorm approaching. For Sarah and Christian this is the end of their vacation and they head up north for the ferry. We continue further south. This was clearly one of the highlights on this trip and we hope to meet the two again at some point.